Richmond Munster Minor Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

2016/2017 RMMHA Coaching Seminars Announced


2016/2017 RMMHA Coaching Seminars Announced

We are pleased to announce our upcoming series of Coaching Seminars for the 2016/2017 season. The seminars will be led by Gregg Kennedy, the RMMHA Coach Mentor. All coaching staff and parents are welcome to attend. Food will be provided. Each clinic will be 2-3 hours. Exact dates and locations TBA.

Seminar #1 (September) - Season Preparation
Yearly plans, practice planning, managing parent expectations, setting routines, dressing room expectations, work ethic, motivating players and having fun.
Seminar #2 (September) - Age Appropriate Systems and Tactics
This seminar will discuss breakouts, offensive zone entry, regroup, and other team systems that can incorporated during the season. Variations per level and age will be discussed.
Seminar #3 (October) - Small Area Games (SAGs)
Implementing Small Area Games at all levels to help create and teach game situations in your practice. Discussing SAGs and how they promote creativity and experimentation, eliminate the need for traditional "conditioning" and warm ups, competitive practice environments, and fun. 
Seminar #4 (November) - Forechecking and Backchecking Systems
This seminar will examine different options and tactics involving the forecheck and backcheck. A look at positional play in the defensive and offensive zone at each specific age level will be considered.
Seminar #5 (January) - TBD
The topic of our final seminar will be based on input by our RMMHA coaches.

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