Player Transfers

The geographical boundaries for ODMHA District 4 - Rideau Carleton are shown here

To check your home association, please use the Address Look Up Tool.


For players who live outside the RMMHA boundaries, requests to the District 4 Chair (and the Chairs of the home assocations) must be made and processed through the Hockey Canada Registry. 

The process includes the following steps:

1)  Complete the House League Transfer Application Form
     This is a .pdf that can be downloaded, printed, and scanned (or photographed clearly) OR may be filled electronically. 

2)  Email the completed form to the RMMHA registrar at

3)  The form will be sent through the HCR for signatures from the appropriate authorities.  

5) If/When the transfer has been granted for the season, parents will be notified that they are eligible to register online. 


If a family has moved and their child(ren) will need to have the RMMHA as the new home association, please contact the registrar at

Information about the process can be found here:

Scenarios regarding residency