HEO Bulletin : Female players and Discriminatory Slurs



This season our female players have been the target of verbal abuse while on the ice.   HEO, District 4 and LCMHL does not condone this behaviour from any of our players.  We ask coaches to notify officials of any comments made that are inappropriate.  The words that are being said will result in an immediate 5 game suspension under HEO Disciplinary guidelines 11.4 - Discriminatory Slur.  This is the minimum and can have more games added to the suspension if it is deemed necessary.

HEO and I are working together to have a workshop put together for any association that would be interested in having it for their players.  The majority of the issues we are seeing are at the U15 and U18 age groups.   I ask that you share this message with your executives, bench staff, players and parents.  All players should feel welcome and safe on the ice.

HEO has a video with some of the words that are considered a slur - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSppiba4wQY&pp=ygU0aG9ja2V5IGVhc3RyZW4gb250YXJpbyBydWxlIG9mIHRoZSB3ZWVrIG1hbHRyZWF0bWVudA%3D%3D

Amanda Waterfield

District Chair